Still Alive

Yes, indeed. A month later and we are Still Alive.

(yes, I did just make a Portal reference. I like that song.)

I am infusing myself with Almonds in Tennessee relatively happily.
I have tons of pictures and poems and ideas to share, alas, no time however.

Sonic is infusing herself with her Android phone. (oh! Look! It can do this too...)

Here is one set of pictures. I had to stake out a small plot of land for a year long project and write about it every week.
This is my hidden land encasing a tree.

And this week it seems to be infected with bugs or something because it is covering up its holes with sap. I hope it is doing alright.

I was just thinking I wish I could do that. Then I realize I do. Its called blood and it makes scabs. I think this is indicative of my Saturday morning, end of the week, brain being on vacation state. 

Its called grad school.



  1. Saw a Sewanee license plate holder today at an ordination in Erie. Wasn't Richard's. Betty Reed pointed it out and wondered how you are doing.

  2. I am doing well! I keep meaning to send y'all a card, I just haven't managed to write it yet. I will. I found the nice cards with a plain pineapple on them. I have a few stamps. I'm all set!

