As part of my preparation for my trip to Israel, I am going to be making more gluten, dairy, soy free Jewish food. Today started the food journey off with hamantaschen!
Hamantaschen is a dessert made for the festival of Purim, which was celebrated in February this year. The festival is a time of celebration, especially commemorating the foiled plot of Haman in the Persian Empire against the Jews during their exile from Israel. Thus, the Hebrew Bible book of Esther is read during the holiday. Despite being a few months behind in my Jewish holiday celebrations, my Hebrew Bible reading class is currently reading and translating the book of Esther, so hamantaschen is particularly appropriate!
The recipe I made was from Edible Harmony. Unfortunately my hamantaschen did not quite turn out as smooth as the pictures. I realized after I started that I used almond meal instead of almond flour. However, they are still delicious and I was able to use my homemade strawberry jam in the middle!
I am also thoroughly enjoying eating the hamantaschen because they look like little tri-cornered hats. If you understand that, try it out. And don't forget to sing My Hat Has Three Corners in German and do the hat dance while you are at it. ;)
Lastly, until I complete my fundraising, I am going to add the donation link to every blog post.
Have a good day and be wary of those in tri-cornered hats!