I passed my Math Senior Project and yet...

Dear World,

What utter crap this life can be. Sometimes you live in a veritable ocean of known blessings, you have scrumptious food on the table, you have warm soft fluffy socks on your feet, you have more friends than you have time to spend with them all. However, many times it seems instead that the bank has come collecting on your house, your socks are full of holes, and your friends all have other friends with whom they would rather enjoy their precious time. At these times, all you want is a little fun, something simple that provokes true laughter instead of the pile of work and the upset stomach.

Alas, it is not to be so. I am given to wonder where our dreams go in such instances. We squash our dreams for the unrelenting now, awaiting the morrow when our dreams have time to come true. We watch them come and we watch them go. Regret and despair are such harsh words under the cover of the indifference and doldrum society allows. I sit here, in companion with only my fish, and I give in to the waiting, the waiting Dr. Seuss so disparagingly disdains, the waiting to change one's stars, the waiting for the Advent purple to change to Christmas white, the waiting for the ship to come into shore.

Although without waiting, we enter the instantly gratified world of technology that has the possibility to destroy our ability to adapt and grow. We enter the never satisfied hunger of wanting nothing because everything is to be had at hand immediately. We enter a world where there is nothing worth waiting for.

And as that is not the case, we find there is a time for waiting, there is a season for waiting, there is a reason for waiting.  Something better is coming and the anticipation is what it might truly be makes it better than all the randomness of other unknown events. The waiting changes the receiver of the gift of life. It makes you that much more grateful.

Can you teach us how to darn our own socks instead?

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