Dagnabit! Hope!

I wrote a poem the other day
a love poem for my boyfriend
"aww cute"
I know.
It was about what happens 
when he shuts me out
"okayy... less cute"
Not exactly.
The point was that in such times
there is always hope
the sun comes out again
a love poem for myself I guess
"poor boy, I'm sure he wanted 
that poem for himself"
I'm sure.
My problem is
that I cannot end a poem without hope
its always there, always, always, always
I rush down to the deepest pit
into hard rock and wet slimy darkness
and some how I find light
one star peeking through, the slimmest crack
toward a way out, the flame within
Try as I might, its there!
Its haunting me
It follows me in
Tells me to change
keeps me alive and never lets me go
never lets me lay down and pass out of sight
I can never just write
'and the darkness overcomes'
instead hope sneaks in
quieter than a mouse, it tiptoes in 
I never realize its there until - Wham!
'and the darkness overcomes - all but one light'
Dagnabit! hope again!
What a crying shame of a pessimist am I
I who cannot help but let hope come waltzing in
Can I hope for despair in a happy poem?
Alas, I can say, Winter is coming
but even winter has spring

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