The Protocol

Here at Headquarters, we have been going through a rough time. In trying to deal with this, we have come up with simple step-wise protocols for helping both Sonic and Yoda with their emotion and energy releasing.

The Sonic Protocol

  1. Ask questions: Usually this is for things like What's wrong?
  2. Wait for the answer
  3. Allow time for silence.
  4. Wait for the answer
  5. Ask more questions
  6. Give her a hug.
  7. Go back to step 1.

The Yoda Protocol

  1. Initiate: ask the question. It could be: What’s wrong? How are you feeling? Where did you leave the hippo? How much sugar did you have?
  2. Shut up.
  3. Stay put.
  4. Listen.
  5. Wait – if you think she’s done, just wait.
  6. If you think you can time a hug properly, do so.
  7. Go to Step 2.
With 25 days to go, things are getting a little hectic here at Headquarters. If something seems off, just remember these simple steps and move along to being praised for your support!

Thank you!

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