Towel Day! (and some updates)

Towel Day is a day of remembrance of the Great and Awesome Douglas Adams. 

from the wikiHow page: 
"Douglas Adams, creator of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, stated in his tome, "Never go anywhere without your towel." On May 14, 2001, one of his fans, D. Clyde Williamson, posted a tribute to Mr. Adams including a proposal that a date two weeks after his passing should be observed as Towel Day. May 25th continues to be observed annually as Towel Day as an ongoing tribute to Adams, who passed away on May 11 of that year."

Do you know where your towel is?


I want to conclude with some other announcements for your own edification. 

1. Sonic is being flown to an impressive job interview today, so I think everyone needs to wish her luck in this endeavour. I am sure it will be quite an adventure into the real world for her.

2. Yoda's endo- and colon- oscopy procedure went well. Apparently she looks normal on the inside. What a strange idea. However, since the food issues have continued, she has cut out all gluten, dairy, and soy. Be forewarned.

3. Elegí una mala semana para dejar de esnifar pegamento.
    (Its the Spanish phrase of the day. Darn, my good life choices!)

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