I can't believe I'm moving to Houston

I got my first real full time job!

In case you haven't heard the news. 

Here are the details:
I'm going to be a curate at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church in Houston TX. 

That's right, this Northerner is going South again!
(I am so going to miss the snow.)
I am moving next week and I have been learning first hand all the frustrations Sonic learned three years ago about moving to a new city by myself. Luckily I do have a few friends in the area and I have been, and continue to be, so very grateful for their help. 

Also, this is a great time for me to announce a new blog. Sonic and I have discussed this, so she has signed off on the deal. I am going to start a blog on which to put my sermons, religious adventures, and religious reflections on so that she does not get yoked into my religious views. Thus, this blog will still remain a place for personal adventures and scientific ideas, but my religious activities will move to: A Curious Curate (with credit to my father for the name). I have already put some old sermons and Allergy Friendly Church items there. (Wait for the campaign... its coming!)

I look forward to exploring Houston and starting my first full time job!

