Why Don't Sheep Shrink When It Rains?

After much thought, the answer hit me like lightning, like a streak across the sky. Its obvious! Sheep are born pre-shrunk! The amniotic fluid and mother's body heat does the work before the lamb ever hits the grass.

Baby Sheep

Here we conquer life's greatest questions.

1 comment:

  1. comments on this post from facebook:
    William Yale maybe they do...have you ever measured??

    Elizabeth Sharon no, but i don't think they would like it much if their coats shrunk every rain

    Meg Seltzer tried to post to your blog but can't figure it out right now...here is my comment about the shrinking...Love the logic of that one...what happens once the wool is turned into yarn...then it will shrink-but does it continue to shrink or just one more time?

    Elizabeth Sharon i think because the yarn is no longer attached to the sheep, it shrinks because it is no longer being controlled and it misses its sheep

    Meg Seltzer that again makes perfect sense...well sort of anyway...

    Stephen Yale now would be the time to walk in on Pink Floyd - Sheep.

    Elizabeth Sharon hahaha yes. that has always amused me

