Please Don't Turn Us In For Kidnapping...

I do not think either of the authors of this esteemed blog are in any position to comment on the state of this world under the indirect control of the internet monstrosities, Facebook and Google. However, I do venture to say that sometimes it is prudent to be wary of what one leaves as a status for other people to read. 
Obviously this comes from personal experience and as such, I will henceforth relate the adventures of Friday Night.
At around 1:30pm Friday afternoon boredom and confusion as to the day's plans were getting me down. So I did a pretty normal thing for my listing state, I started surfing Facebook's news networks channels. Lo and Behold, I came across Our Beloved Ewok's most recent status update: "Would someone please come kidnap me?" Forget docile light bulbs; there were major fireworks erupting from my brain.
First I assembled my team: Sonic and Captain Reynolds were in. (Of course, we had to wait for Sonic to finish class (who has class until 4:30pm on Fridays, seriously?).)
Next I assembled the equipment: One Nerf N-Strike Raider Rapid Fire CS 35 (look it up, it's completely awesome), one Green Lightsaber, one Red F150, four Apples to Apples Green Cards, four Personally Made Chinese Fortune Tellers and one Personal Goodie Bag.
The actual entering strategy was created and discussed on the ride into the vicinity of Our Beloved Ewok Friend. The Strike Team was prepared for three possible situations; however, they were not prepared for the "Just stepped out of the shower" situation they came up against. Thankfully though, the kidnapping was carried out without any extra victims.

After the successful retrieval, the group went to Perkins for a quick banquet.
The elder company at the banquet was almost more than could be handled, but after cleaning up the table and  a small mix-up with the F150 and a flag pole wire, the group was on their way again.

The Apples to Apples cards and Chinese Fortune Tellers were to determine the later activities of the night. Despite this preparation, all order was flung into the wind and the group retired to the local bowling alley for some Black Light Bowling. The competition was fierce between Sonic, Captain Reynolds and Our Beloved Ewok Friend. I, Yoda, am above such competition. (Well, actually, without the use of my right arm, my left handed bowling is not quite as impressive as my normal game.)

A good time was had by all, despite the leaving of Our Beloved Ewok Friend's sunglasses and car keys in the F150 after her return to her normal domain. 

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