Apparently there is always time for zombie playacting...

Today Master Yoda and myself were discussing the amount of time that our professors expect us to spend on their particular class. And, being ourselves, we decided to make a table of all our activities and the time we spend doing them throughout the week. The main objective of this was to see how much time we actually have available for class work outside of class time.

It turns out that we apparently have 45 unallocated hours a week. This is a little more than 6 hours a day that we devote to discussing problems in the spacetime continuum, pretending to be zombies, and creating tables/charts/graphs of how we spend our time.

This figure seemed a little off to us, so we have decided to put our hypothesis to the test and actually keep track of where we are spending our precious time. An update to follow...

1 comment:

  1. I had heard from my quantum physics professor that it was closer to 40 hours a week, right before telling our class that he was going to demand a decent fraction of it.
    Also, will your final charts look something like this:

