Dinner Guests -- Round 1.2

To continue the dinner guest selection tournament, here's the second quarter of the bracket:

Captain Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)

Ford Prefect (Hitchhiker's)

Lisbeth Salander (… Dragon Tattoo)

Hagrid (Harry Potter)

Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)

Professor Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)

Amy Pond (Doctor Who)

Amy Farrah Fowler (The Big Bang Theory)

Juliet O'Hara (Psych)

Dwight K. Schrute (The Office)

Enoch Root (Multiple...)

Dr. Gregory House (House M.D.)

Rory Williams (Doctor Who)

Eliza de la Zeur (The Baroque Cycle)

And my picks:

Mal v. Ford
While Ford is always the interesting character (and can always be counted on the have a towel handy), I can't see Mal exit this early.

Lisbeth v. Hagrid
Here's to hoping Hagrid can fit in my apartment. And I'm going to have to buy a replacement chair after this.

Luke v. Dumbledore
OK, so Luke blew up the Death Star, but Dumbledore mentored Harry through some pretty rough years and he always has a few good lines to lighten the mood (and he's got style!).

Luna v. Aragorn
While I'd never want to go into battle without him, Aragorn would make kind of a scary dinner guest. Also, Luna is just pure awesomeness and would serve for quite the amusing dinner conversation.

Amy Pond v. Amy Farrah Fowler
The battle of the Amy's. I had to go with Pond on this one. She'll have too many fun stories about hanging out with the Doctor, and Farrah Fowler's humor style might get a little old after a couple hours.

Juliet v. Dwight
This decision was definitely made for dinner only. Juliet would be great to hang out with but it would be fun to see Dwight interact with the other characters. He's only invited if he guarantees to leave at the end of the night.

Enoch Root v. House
While House's humor would amuse me to no end, Enoch Root's mysterious ability to turn up in times centuries apart leaves too many questions.

Rory v. Eliza
Definitely at the top of the toughness list here. Rory is one of my favorite of the Doctor's companions but Eliza would be fun to talk with.

And finally the completed first round for this quarter of the bracket:

Captain Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)

Malcolm Reynolds

Ford Prefect (Hitchhiker's)

Lisbeth Salander (… Dragon Tattoo)


Hagrid (Harry Potter)

Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)


Professor Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

Luna Lovegood

Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)

Amy Pond (Doctor Who)

Amy Pond

Amy Farrah Fowler (The Big Bang Theory)

Juliet O'Hara (Psych)

Dwight Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute (The Office)

Enoch Root (Multiple...)

Enoch Root

Dr. Gregory House (House M.D.)

Rory Williams (Doctor Who)


Eliza de la Zeur (The Baroque Cycle)

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