The Wonders of Paper Clips

For some of you, the wonders of paper clips and their immense value to society comes as no shock. You have used a paper clip as intended, you have created jewelry, picked locks, and defended yourself from attack with these little pieces of metal.

I have brought the paper clip to our attention here this morning, not because I make jewelry with paper clips, not because I use them to pick locks, or defend myself, or even because two years ago I fixed a women's bathroom stall in a college academic building and that paper clip is still holding strong in place, but because a fellow member of humanity this morning thought it fit to throw away a bunch of these wonders.

Frankly, I was appalled.

So, I wanted to bring the attention of all our esteemed readers to bear on the glory of paper clips today. Douglas Adams failed to understand the importance of paper clips in daily living and thus forgot to add that one should also always have a paper clip or two at the bottom of ones pockets, however we shall not ruin him for this mistake.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful day and remember to keep a paper clip near by!

1 comment:

  1. Your father will be proud to know that his child fixed a bathroom stall with a paper clip.

