Dinner Guests -- Round 2.1

Finally! The next installment of my dinner guest tournament. For those of you that have bad memories, I've been challenged to select three fictional characters that I can invite to dinner (obviously, since they're fictional, I won't really be having a dinner, but that doesn't mean I can't pretend!).

First, here is the left half of the bracket after Round 1:

And my picks:

Abed v. Sawyer
This one wasn't too difficult. Although Sawyer's wit is amusing, it's going to be hard to pass up inviting Abed.

Neville v. River
While River is quite the character, I don't think I would want to spend my night making sure she doesn't kill anyone... I'll go with Neville.

Han v. R2D2
This was definitely one of the toughest this round, but I can't bring myself to kick out R2 just yet, he's just so cute!

Odd v. Leia
While Leia is pretty bad ass, Odd is too awesome a character to pass up having dinner with!

Captain Reynolds v. Hagrid
I'm going to have to go with Captain Tightpants on this one, sorry Hagrid.

Dumbledore v. Luna
This was a tough one, and my first thought was for Luna. But thinking about it more, I realize Dumbledore is not only a wise and powerful wizard, but he certainly has his share of wit.

Amy v. Dwight
I'm sure Dwight would not fail in making any party at least memorable, Amy Pond would have plenty of stories to share about her adventures with the Doctor.

Enoch v. Eliza
Eliza is one of my favorite Baroque Cycle characters, but Enoch would have many stories to share and questions to answer.

With that, here's the left side of the bracket so far:

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