Hooray for Brains!

"Unconscious processing improves decision making"

Funny enough, I have always thought this about my brain and have confused people who asked me for decisions by walking off doing something else and then coming back a few minutes later with a fully thought out decision that I didn't really think about. Human brains are quite impressive. I have always been rather grateful that my brain can handle continuing to think about things when I need to deal with something else. I bet this technique is something some people would be interested to learn. I don't know how far it goes, there are probably some situations when one needs to think through all the parts of a decision consciously to be able to make a good decision.
Do they teach effective problem solving techniques in schools these days? I know they do not teach effective coping methods well.
 The first comment on the article says "It’s interesting to consider the fact that our brains our so perfectly designed that when left to their own devices they function more efficiently than when we are in a position to control, and therefore restrict them." (by Jeremy Hensley) I am not sure I totally agree with him. Our brains take all sorts of shortcuts that are helpful in some situations, but when it comes to things like stereotyping, I disagree that the shortcuts my brain takes are always helpful. In those situations, people who are stereotyped can be very hurt that my brain made unconscious shortcuts around them. Those decisions may save thinking time in situations where other people do not matter, but I rather think that all people matter. Its a Christian love thing. All people for me are God's people and thus deserve some dignity and respect.
I do look forward to seeing more research on this kind of topic. I am always interested in research on the brain and the mind-body (brain) connection. There are so many aspects about our own brain which we do not understand. Especially those of us not in the field. (I can especially say that I am very grateful for my brain when it comes up with stuff that I know when I think I did not know it, like on tests, which I am hopeful will happen a little bit this morning!)


  1. Hope your brain yielded the correct answers faster than this old one would. The equipment still functions but, oh, so slowly at times.

  2. We shall see. It did well on some of the questions, but not all I'm afraid.

