Life is Amazing

Today is Friday. An ordinary Friday. However, it is amazing what can happen in a week.

Two cases as examples:
First, we all complain about institutions. Especially ones which we feel did us some harm or feel that they handled something incorrectly. How much more so for people who have suffered from sexual abuse or harassment in an institutional setting, like colleges, military, and so on. As humans, we walk a fine line of being responsible for ourselves and responsible for others which gets lost in the fog of control.

Second, my personal week. In the last week I have written a sermon, hosted a special dinner party, run a 15K race, given a sermon, taught an Adult Christian Ed class, gone to class despite the distraction of my boyfriend visiting, gotten officially a year older, driven through five different states, seen an old friend, failed a major test, and been given wonderful presents, all with the prospects of good old friends to visit and more interesting work to come.

How much love do you have in your week?

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