More Olive Oil!

I really liked olive oil. I was very interested when I learned about the olive oil industry on my birthday last week. Now I am even more a fan since I learned today that the smell of olive oil helps you feel sated. Yes, I probably will try my own experiment on how sated I feel after meals with and without olive oil in the future. However, since my time with my handsome Latro is coming to a close for a while, home experiments will have to wait.

As much as I love food science, I really dislike the food science which disables me from eating many things. My celebration of St. Patrick's day this year will be cut back since I cannot buy a corned beef brisket anywhere without detrimental soybean oil on it. Thus, someday soon I will be delving into the experimental world of corning my own brisket. Should be interesting. Stay tuned.

For the next episode of Experimental Science Religion Food Wonders! ;)

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