Saturday Volcanoes!
Volcanoes are spewing sulfur dioxide, and while that stuff stinks, its actually helping the earth not warm as much as expected from global warming. This is not going to stop the warming effect of greenhouse gases from humans, but it is interesting that scientists were previously ignoring something as small as volcano eruptions in the total global climate calculations. Science brings us so many wonders of knowledge. Science has taught us that everything is interconnected literally through advanced physics and the climate everywhere shows this in its reactions to what is going on. I read a study once where Friday traffic in highly populated areas increase the chance of Sunday and Monday rain because of the pollutants in the air. That is local climate change. If traffic problems can change the weather, then I would think even small volcanic eruptions  could change the weather. Obviously most of us remember the large volcanic change to the weather caused by the eruption in Iceland a few years ago. As much as I understand the need to get rid of small factors and coefficients in large mathematics, some times those small factors can drastically change the mathematics. I love how many science problems come down to the mathematical principles or statistics in order to make sense.


  1. "I read a study once where Friday traffic in highly populated areas increase the chance of Sunday and Monday rain because of the pollutants in the air."

    Haha this makes me want to conduct my own study of observing how bad traffic is on my Friday commute and then noting the weather on the following Sunday and Monday.

  2. Go ahead! Be a scientist! Let me know the out comes. :)

  3. Stand back, I'm going to try science!

